Defining your value of wealth with tech.

The North Face X Strava

Happiness or Wealth, what does being Rich mean to you? This is the question San Miguel posed with their incredibly successful Rich List campaign, featured in The Independent as a juxtaposition of The Sunday Times annual survey.

It was also the basis for a unique activation we created with agency partner Pablo. The San Miguel ‘Find Your Rich’ Experiment challenges guests’ perception of rich and reveals what kind of rich they truly value.

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  • Client
    San Miguel
  • Sector
    Food and Drink
  • Services
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Find your rich

Guests were undertook a series of sensory tests designed to ascertain what each individual valued most in life. Journeying through 4 experiment rooms, participants were presented with a variety of contrasting sensory stimuli.

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Rich experience

Using state of the art RFID technology, each guest would choose the stimuli they preferred, unaware that some of stimuli represented material wealth, and some, wealth from experience.

On completion, guests were presented with their results and their Rich List Profile. This collection of personalised data detailed what their senses say about their perceptions of rich and attraction to life-rich experiences.

The perfect lager

To complete the experience, guests were recommended the lager that best suited their rich profile that they could redeem at the bar, along with the option to share their profile to social media.

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